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Ten ways to boost your immune system

Colds, flu, stomach flu... Find out what you can do to boost your immune system and resist viruses!

What does the immune system do?

The immune system is your body's first line of defence against disease. It acts as a shield to protect your body from bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and even cancer cells. Its main role is to recognize and destroy or neutralize these foreign threats, thanks to a legion of immune cells ready to fight whenever a health threat arises. Fever and inflammation are examples of weapons used by the body to protect itself from potential aggression.

What can cause a weak immune system?

Unfortunately, the immune system's ability to defend the body is not foolproof. What's more, it's not immutable; in fact, it's quite variable. As a result, during certain periods, and in the presence of different factors, the immune system's “competence” can be compromised and weakened by certain factors such as :

Some people may also have their immune systems weakened by certain medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer and HIV, or by certain treatments such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy. This text is intended for people in good health, not for those who require special medical care.

What are the signs of a weakened immune system?

It can be difficult to determine with certainty whether your immune system is weakened, as many signs and symptoms can resemble other conditions. However, here are some indications that your immune defense may be weakened:

  • Persistent fatigue;
  • More frequent infections (colds, urinary tract infections, herpes flare-ups, recurrent vaginitis, persistent warts, etc.).
  • Wounds and injuries heal more slowly.

How do you boost your immune system?

A healthy lifestyle influences your health and that of your immune system. Here are ten effective things you can do to help protect yourself from infections.


Quit smoking

Smoking considerably weakens your immune system and greatly increases your risk of contracting certain infections and developing cancer. Among other things, smoking can decrease antibody production and cause chronic inflammation in the body, which can upset the balance of the immune system.

Don't forget that your pharmacist can help you with your smoking cessation process.


Eat a healthy diet

Adopting a healthy diet contributes to your health in many ways. In fact, some foods contain vitamins and amino acids that can naturally boost immune function. In addition, a diet rich in fibre, prebiotics and probiotics supports a healthy gut microbiota, which is essential for maintaining a strong immune system.

Foods that boost the immune system

Iron-rich foods: iron is a major component of hemoglobin, a protein responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the organs. Insufficient iron can cause anemia (a drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood) or disrupt the body's overall functioning, including the immune system.

Here are a few examples of iron-rich foods:

  • Lamb, pork and beef liver;
  • Red meat;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Chickpeas and lentils;
  • Eggs.

Foods rich in vitamin C: absorb iron, maintain healthy bones and teeth, heal wounds... Here are just a few examples of the benefits of vitamin C. It also contributes to the production of white blood cells, which defend the body against infection.

Incorporate these foods into your menu to fill up on vitamin C:

  • Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc.);
  • Tomatoes;
  • Potatoes;
  • Cabbage (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc.)
  • Broccoli;
  • Spinach.

Foods rich in vitamin D: made by the body when exposed to sunlight, vitamin D is used to absorb calcium to promote healthy bones and teeth.. The Canadian climate and our lifestyle habits mean that some people suffer from vitamin D deficiency, and have to rely on vitamin supplements.

Vitamin D is found in these foods:

  • Oily fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, etc.);
  • Eggs (egg yolks);
  • Margarine;
  • Cow's milk;
  • Fortified plant-based beverages (almond milk, oat milk, soy milk, etc.).


Sleep well

Sleep is an excellent way to allow your body and its many functions to recover. Sleepless nights disrupt and weaken the immune system. So make your sleep hygiene a priority; your health depends on it.

For adults aged 18 to 64, 7 to 9 hours of sleep are recommended, compared with 7 to 8 hours for people aged 65 and over.


Exercise regularly

Studies have shown that regular physical activity helps strengthen your immune system, in addition to providing many other health benefits, such as stimulating antibody production, reducing stress and improving lung function.


Reduce stress levels

Being stressed or exhausted weakens you and your immune system. So make sure you take care of yourself by resting or engaging in physical activities and hobbies that relax you. This will help reduce your susceptibility to infections.


Use a saline solution for nasal passages

It's important to keep your nasal passages well hydrated, especially during the cold season when the air in homes is drier, to reduce your risk of contracting a respiratory infection like the common cold. The use of a saline nasal solution and, in some cases, a humidifier, may prove beneficial.


Take a vitamin and mineral supplement

Some people consider taking daily vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure they have enough of these nutrients to contribute to a healthy immune system.

Although vitamin and mineral supplements are beneficial, a healthy diet is still the best way to strengthen the immune system.


Wash hands frequently

Hand washing is a simple and effective measure that greatly reduces the risk of infection. So make it a habit for yourself and your family! The use of antiseptic gels may also have some advantages, although they do not replace hand washing with soap and water.


Get vaccinated

Vaccination against the flue or COVID-19 reduces the risk of contracting these diseases and of suffering from potentially serious complications. Vaccines teach your body to react to the presence of a disease by making it produce the necessary antibodies. Don't hesitate to ask your pharmacist for advice on which vaccines are recommended for you.


Limit contact with sick people

This may seem obvious, but if someone you know is infected with a virus, try to avoid closer contact, such as kissing or shaking hands.

Don't forget that some viruses can also be transmitted by contact with infected objects!

Are there any drugs or supplements to help strengthen the immune system?

To date, no drug, product or natural remedy has been officially approved by Health Canada to boost the immune system. Some products available in pharmacies have produced questionable results in this respect in clinical studies. This is the case, for example, of:

It is difficult to reach definitive conclusions about the effectiveness of these products, since the results of studies on them are often contradictory or insufficient. In addition, although they are usually well tolerated, some of these products may pose certain health risks, such as drug interactions for example. Before starting any of these supplements, check with your pharmacist that it is safe for you.

Your pharmacist is there to help you strengthen your immune system!

Need personalized advice on how to support a strong immune system? Rely on your pharmacist's expertise to find out how to prevent infections and the best ways to improve your body's immune response!


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Ten ways to boost your immune system

Cold, flu, gastro—find out how to strengthen your immune system and avoid viruses!

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