Nos modèles ne restent pas toujours sagement immobiles. Malheureusement, ça se traduit souvent par des photos floues. Pour éviter que ça se produise, il suffit de suivre ces cinq conseils de pros.

Be ready to seize the moment
The first rule to capturing a moving subject: you must be ready at all times. Make sure the camera is turned on and at hand with the lens cap off and the appropriate setting for current light conditions.
It’s also a good idea to set up your frame. Think about what you want in the background of the shot and position yourself accordingly. Because while a sharp photo is nice, a good composition is even better!

Keep a steady hand
Remaining steady is essential to avoid blurring, especially when the subject is in motion. If your subject is moving while you are also moving, it’ll be next to impossible to get a clean shot. It’s even more difficult when you’re counting on your reflexes to shoot a quickly moving subject at the perfect moment. A little movement when shooting is all it takes for the image to turn out blurry.
While your camera may have an integrated image stabilizer, nothing beats a good tripod. There’s nothing more stable. If you haven’t got one, you can still try to make yourself as motionless as possible by holding your camera with both hands (one on the body, the other on the lens) and pressing your elbows to your body.
Set the shutter speed
When taking action shots, your shutter speed is the number one setting you need to master. The shutter speed is the amount of time you allow light to pass through your camera’s sensor.
To freeze your subject’s movement, you need to increase your shutter speed. The faster your subject is moving, the faster the shutter speed. For example, to photograph a speeding car, you’ll want a shutter speed of 1/2000. For a running child, 1/500. For a person walking, 1/250

Play with effects
Blurriness is not necessarily bad for a photo, especially if you like this effect. It can help give a sense of movement or speed, resulting in very lively shots.
To do so, simply set your camera to a low shutter speed. By opting for a lower speed (e.g. 1/50), you can get a sharp photo while producing a blur effect in some areas. For instance, a child’s arms as they throw water into a swimming pool.
Use automatic modes
For moving subjects, using auto focus can be much more effective than manually focusing. And if setting your camera manually seems painstaking to you, you can always choose Action or Sports mode. These modes’ auto shutter speed and auto focus features will give you sharper images. You may also want to try your camera’s Burst mode to get that perfect shot.