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Christian Periard & Cassandre Diguer-St-Amant

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Photos You Shouldn’t Post on Facebook

Facebook is a public space and so is your Facebook page. Adjust your privacy settings before you go ahead and start posting pictures on it. And be sure to use discretion or you’ll likely regret it! Here are a few fails to avoid...

But before we list the types of photos you should never post on your Facebook page, remember that the following isn’t just a myth: EVERYONE has access to your profile and cover photos, even if your account privacy settings otherwise limit public access. All the more reason to be particularly picky about these two pictures.

Facebook is a public space and so is your Facebook page.


Family members, colleagues or potential employers all have access to your page. Remember the golden rule of Facebook: never post photos likely to shame your mother or future children . . . remember that the Web is written in indelible ink and that a picture that makes you laugh today might make you cringe tomorrow. Avoid photos that feature:

  • little clothing, such as bikini shots;
  • compromising situations, such as snapshots from the celebrations following the office party;
  • cigarette or alcohol consumption.

Be mindful of others

  • Before posting pictures of the latest addition to your family, double-check the friend list you are posting to in your privacy settings. If you want to make sure that your picture won’t be reused, even by your friends, you can always add a digital watermark to it using image-editing software.
  • If you’re publishing a group photo or a photo of someone taken without their knowledge, it’s considered good manners to ask for their permission before tagging them.
Be mindful of others

Beware of backgrounds

You posted the perfect picture, but—in classic Facebook fail style—there’s a pair of dirty socks or an illicit location in the background. Take the time to check out the background of the picture you’re planning on posting, especially if you took it in front of a mirror—you may have missed a detail.

Mind your image

Use a flattering profile picture, i.e. make sure it is recent, clear, in colour and that you are smiling. Ideally, position yourself at an angle to the camera.

Mind your image

Use photos that belong to you

Copyright law applies to everyone. Including you. Make sure to specify the source under Comments when posting a picture you found on the Web.

Remaining anonymous

If a friend tags you in a photo you dislike, you can’t delete the picture yourself. You can, however, select the photo(s) you’d like to remove a tag from, click Report/Remove Tags at the top of the page and then click Untag Photos to confirm.


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Photos You Shouldn’t Post on Facebook

Facebook is a public space and so is your Facebook page. Adjust your privacy settings before you go ahead and start posting pictures on it. And be sure to use discretion or you’ll likely regret it! Here are a few fails to avoid...

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