It’s been said that some people are just more naturally photogenic than others, that no matter the circumstance, they take gorgeous pictures. But perfecting that pose is more about technique than anything else. Follow our advice and you’ll be making others envious with your gorgeous pictures in no time!
Your best profile
Avoid looking straight into the lens—instead, turn your head slightly to the side. This will make for an elongated profile that’ll capture natural light. The next step is figuring out which side is your most photogenic. Focus on the details: Do you have a beauty mark on one side, a cute dimple, a sparkle in your eye, a side to your hairstyle that you prefer? Play around with poses in front of the mirror and you’ll quickly figure out which is your "good" side.

A natural pose
Make sure you’re comfortable with whatever pose you settle on. Don’t stray from who you really are. Above all, try to forget about the camera—your body will quickly find a natural position that’ll come across as comfortable in your photo.

Don’t forget to smile! But make sure it’s a natural smile—a forced smile is immediately noticeable and can ruin a photo. Really tap into your emotions and let that smile shine through. But remember not to overdo it—when you laugh, you show your teeth and you squint.

Avoid low-angle shots
The angle of the photo is also an important element to consider. Avoid low-angle shots—they can be unflattering, making your nose, dark spots and chin stand out and they can even age you by 5 years or add 10 lbs. to your frame. So remember, one of the first rules to taking a good picture is to avoid low-angle shots.
Be flash-savvy!
A photo taken with your camera’s flash usually captures that deer-caught-in-the-headlights look. Even the most gorgeous profiles can fall prey to the flash! If you absolutely must use your flash, make sure you keep a safe distance between you and your subject. That way, you avoid ending up with a white blur of a face due to unflattering overexposure.

Here’s another little tip: Just like celebrities, avoid being in front of the camera if you’re not looking and feeling your best. The worst photos are those that are taken when you’re tired at the end of the night.
A gorgeous glow year round
It’s all about that glow! A dull complexion or oily skin can really ruin a photo. If you wear makeup, use a corrector and foundation to even out your skin tone and get a natural glow. Better yet, make sure you look your best year-round by following a healthy, balanced diet.