Designing your own holiday greeting cards is easy and fun! For best results when it comes to making your paper cards or e-cards, pay attention to each detail and use your imagination when taking your photos!
Capture a magical moment
Taking pictures is a bit like shooting a movie: there should be a backdrop, some staging on your part, and most importantly, subjects. Whether you decide to include your nearest and dearest, or your four-legged friend, let yourself be inspired by our staging ideas. Your mischievous cat could be playing with some Christmas balls at the foot of the tree, or your dog could be chewing on a stuffed Santa doll. Pets tend to move about quickly, so set your camera’s shutter speed to 1/250 of a second to capture people or pets in motion.

For a warmer and more classic greeting card, set some beautiful white cushions at the foot of the lit tree, light some candles and the fireplace if you have one. Ask the kids to pose as if they are napping. For lighting, direct light towards the kids or install a small lamp next to them. Turn your flash off to benefit from the room’s natural light and place your camera on a solid structure or tripod to keep it steady. Adjust your camera's white balance setting to “tungsten” or “indoor” mode, and capture the moment. Then take the same picture, but this time replace the kids with an unexpected subject such as yourself, your partner or your pet. And, to prevent the kids from growing impatient, do a test run beforehand to make sure everything is in the right place and no object will ruin your photo. By inviting your loved ones to join in, you’ll be adding a new fun activity to the holiday season.

Share your passion
Whether you’re a pro swimmer or novice tennis player, nothing beats a comical look at your favourite pastime to entertain your loved ones. For a funny and original picture, think about creating a contrast between the subject and the setting on your greeting card. For example, after the first snow, slip on your bathing suit, put on an elf hat and set the self-timer on your camera. Your loved ones are sure to keep your greeting card on display for a long time! To avoid getting the flu, first try out your pose while fully clothed by resting your camera on a tripod or table and, after a few tries, draw a reference mark on the ground. Choose a time of day when the light is just right, like in the morning or towards the end of the day. Avoid the midday sun, which can cast a harsh light on your features and get in your eyes. Finally, adjust your camera settings to the “snow” feature if you have it, otherwise set them to “outdoor light.”
Enhance your photo
Once you’ve found the right shot, add a message to go with it. Nothing could be easier with the PJC software: follow the steps and let your imagination guide you! What’s more, you can choose between several fonts, as well as between twenty backdrops on which to place your photo—from a snowflake to a pine forest or a star-studded sky. Pick the perfect setting and your card will be a real hit! Get snapping!