Use your photos to create a personalized alphabet book and make learning to read child’s play!
A. is for Album
To help you organize your picture book, first choose the format of book you want to design. Select the type of cover—softcover or hardcover—and the format suitable for your child’s age.
B. is for Begin selecting your photos
The foundation of your picture book is set. Now you have to select your own photos to add to the alphabet book. For a personalized learning adventure, associate each letter with the first name of a family member—a brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandparent, cousin—or your child’s closest friends.
If you’re having trouble with certain letters that are less common, use your child’s favourite toys or objects they use on a daily basis.

C. is for Complete your book!
Once you’ve selected, uploaded and positioned your photos, you can further customize your child’s book. Use the tools provided in the software to put borders around your photos, alter the size and colour of text, or edit the background. You can even add extra pages to your picture book if you want. Now you can print your album and see your child’s eyes light up when they discover that A is for Antelope, B is for Benjamin, C is for Crocodile—and all the other letters!