How to relieve tooth sensitivity

Has drinking your morning coffee become torture? Do you dread eating ice cream? Don't let tooth sensitivity spoil your day.

Why does tooth sensitivity occur?

Tooth sensitivity is among the most common dental problems. This refers to a very sharp pain that is felt when teeth come into contact with various triggers such as hot, cold or acidic foods or drinks, cool or cold air, and dental floss, for example. Pain is such that some people regretfully avoid the pleasure of eating delicious ice cream or drinking a nice hot coffee, for fear of feeling pain.

The main cause of tooth sensitivity is the deterioration of the enamel that protects the sensitive layer of the tooth, called dentin. When dentin is exposed to one of these triggers, it activates nerve endings, which leads to pain. Gingival recession (or receding gums) can also cause dentin exposure.

To learn more about tooth sensitivity and its causes, read the following text: What is tooth sensitivity?

Can tooth sensitivity be prevented?

To prevent the unpleasantness of tooth sensitivity, first it is important to focus on preventive measures. Here are a few.

  • Maintain excellent oral hygiene.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily.
  • Avoid brushing the teeth too hard.
  • Visit your dentist or oral hygienist to ensure an optimal brushing and flossing technique.
  • Reduce the risk of tooth enamel erosion by consuming the least possible acidic foods and drinks, such as citrus juice and soft drinks. It is preferable to drink these beverages with a straw or at mealtime to reduce contact with teeth.
  • If you grind your teeth (at night, for instance), consult a specialist to attempt to solve the problem which contributes to the development of dental problems, including hypersensitivity.
  • Visit your dentist regularly, at least once or twice a year, so any dental problems can be detected quickly.

What can I do to reduce tooth sensitivity?

  • Brush your teeth daily with a desensitizing toothpaste for sensitive teeth that acts instantly by blocking pain at its source. When used regularly, this toothpaste creates a protective barrier over time that works as an anti-sensitivity shield.
  • Use a toothbrush with extra soft bristles, which gently cleans the teeth and gums. Again, there are specially designed toothbrushes for people with sensitive teeth.
  • Use a mouthwash daily that has anti-sensitivity qualities, such as the ability to create a protective shield over time, like a sealant to protect teeth against enamel wear.

Regardless of the incidence of pain, tooth sensitivity is a good reason to consult your dentist or dental hygienist. An adequate exam will help to determine the cause of hypersensitivity or pain. Your healthcare professional can advise your about the care needed and recommend the treatments adapted to sensitive teeth. Aiming for excellent oral hygiene will increase your chances of winning the fight against tooth sensitivity.


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How to relieve tooth sensitivity

Has drinking your morning coffee become torture? Do you dread eating ice cream? Don't let tooth sensitivity spoil your day.
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