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Preventing food allergies at school

In collaboration with:

Allergy Quebec
Food allergies at school are more common than ever among the young, and they can have very serious consequences. We’ve answered the most common questions about food allergies in schools to keep you fully informed about how to prevent and manage them when they do occur.

What are food allergies?

Food allergies are abnormal bodily reactions after someone eats or comes into contact with a food or a substance that’s present in a food. That food or substance is then referred to as “food allergen

What are the most common food allergies in young people?

The most common food allergies in kids include:

  • Peanuts and tree nuts (some schools ban them altogether)
  • Dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Fish and seafoods.

These types of food allergies often require extra vigilance from students and staff in schools.

What are the signs of a food allergy in a child?

Here are a few of the potential signs and symptoms to watch out for in children at school. These allergic reactions usually occur within minutes or even an hour after the child eats or comes into contact with the allergen:

  • Skin rashes and itching.
  • Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat.
  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • Irritability or unusual fatigue.

Food allergies explained…

Food allergies are caused by a disruption in the immune system, which becomes hypersensitive, going into overdrive to protect the body against the allergen that’s perceived as a threat. The defensive reaction that occurs can be quite strong, and can include a variety of symptoms. Occasionally, simple traces of the allergen are enough to trigger an allergic reaction. And ironically, several of these symptoms can pose an even bigger threat to the allergic person, especially in the case of what is called an “anaphylactic” reaction.

What is an anaphylactic reaction?

Anaphylaxis, or an anaphylactic reaction, refers to severe, acute allergic symptoms, that can, in rare cases, lead to death. The severity of an allergic reaction, and the symptoms it causes, variy from person to person and from one allergic episode to the next.

Symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction include (but are not limited to):

  • swelling of the throat, lips, and tongue
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • choking sensation
  • hot flashes
  • itching or overall redness of the skin
  • increased pulse rate
  • drop in blood pressure
  • pallor
  • sudden weakness, and
  • loss of consciousness.

Thankfully, with proper allergy-management methods and a clear, detailed emergency plan, you can reduce the risk of allergen exposure, prevent allergic reactions and manage them better when they occur.

What to do in the event of a food allergy at school...

Responding quickly and effectively to food allergies in school requires a rigorous, well-structured action plan, and a clear, solid allergy-management process. For kids with food allergies, constant vigilance is a must, since allergens can be found just about anywhere, particularly in schools, where it can be more difficult to eliminate allergens completely. What's more, if an allergic reaction does occur and people aren’t equipped to deal with it, the consequences can be serious.

Here are a few good standardized practices to adopt to ensure a solid action plan against food allergies at school:

  • Inform the child, the people around them and school staff about the food allergy.
  • Get the child's doctor to help you create an action plan.
  • Distribute the action plan to everyone who might intervene in the event of a severe allergic reaction (teachers, daycare staff, cafeteria cooks, secretary, school administration, etc.).
  • Have an epinephrine auto-injector close at hand at all times.

To make things easier, you can write up your action plan using a pre-existing form and adapting it to your needs. You can find this type of form at:

What should your food allergy action plan contain?

Your food allergy action plan should contain all relevant information about your allergic child, presented clearly and accurately.

Here are a few examples of what the plan should include:

  • your child's name and a photograph
  • the allergen in question (peanuts, eggs, soybean, etc.)
  • the name of the epinephrine auto-injector to be used in the case of a reaction
  • the places where the epinephrine auto-injectors are kept
  • a description of the allergy symptoms that may occur
  • a description of the steps to follow in the case of an allergic reaction
  • usage instructions (ideally with an illustration) for the epinephrine injection
  • a list of people to contact in case of an emergency.

Your pharmacist can also help you develop your action plan and provide you with clear information on the safe, effective use of epinephrine auto-injectors. They can also prescribe the auto-injector and even call you when it has expired and needs to be replaced.

Your school may require you to complete and sign an authorization form for the administration of medication by school personnel. Ask your school administrator for more information.

A few tips for parents with kids who have allergies...

Regardless of whether your child suffers from a food allergy, it's a good idea to keep these tips in mind:

  • Avoid putting food containing the most common allergens in your child’s lunchbox (nuts, peanuts, eggs, fish, etc.).
  • Teach your child to wash their hands before and after eating.
  • Encourage your child to ask about the food allergies of friends or people around them.

Here are a few additional tips for parents of children with food allergies:

  • Prepare all your child's meals and snacks yourself.
  • Tell your child not to eat foods offered by friends or classmates.
  • Make sure your child carries their auto-injector at all times, for example, around their waist. If you think your child is too young to keep the device, discuss the best option with the school team.
  • Make sure your child wears medical alert identification (i.e. MedicAlert bracelet) at all times.
  • Provide the school with an adequate number of rescue epinephrine auto-injectors that will be stored in strategic locations known to key personnel.
  • Replace epinephrine auto-injectors before the expiry date.
  • Review the steps to administer epinephrine often and encourage family members and the people in your child's environment to do the same. You will find a demonstration on how to use the auto-injector (via images or a video brief) on the manufacturer's internet site.
  • Visit the auto-injector manufacturer’s website for education materials, such as posters that can be placed in strategic locations around the school.

For additional information about food allergies, their prevention and treatment, feel free to speak to your pharmacist and visit the Allergy Quebec website.


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Preventing food allergies at school

Food allergies are more and more prevalent in children and can have serious consequences. Find out how to manage this risk at school.

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