How to take care of yourself after the holidays

Now that the holiday season is over, your body may remind you of the countless activities you had planned, the many evenings of flowing drinks or the long family dinners.

You may be feeling tired or have low energy, or your digestion may still be disrupted. Trust your body's ability to recover from this busy time: it has more than one trick up its sleeve! With a little help from you, your body will be able to tap into its resources and regain its balance.

Follow these tips if you want to take care of yourself after the holidays.


Drink as much as you like! Water, of course...

Drinking alcohol in large quantities is harmful in part because of its dehydrating effect. An excellent strategy to get back in shape is to drink plenty of water. Your skin, your kidneys and many other organs will benefit from it.


No to food deprivation!

It's common to want to watch your diet after overindulging in the good stuff. That's why it's generally better to stick to healthy eating habits than to aim for weight loss or a specific number on the scale. Drastic or calorie-restrictive diets are not recommended, and miracle diets are to be avoided altogether. Your body will respond better to regular eating rather than alternating between overeating and strict diets. Adopting healthy eating habits over the long term is a more effective tactic for promoting health.


Make balanced food choices

After the heavy meals of the past few weeks, our bodies may naturally crave lighter meals. It's normal to want to return to a more balanced diet, but remember that it's still okay to eat more processed foods in moderate amounts and at a reasonable frequency. Banning foods is not effective and can even lead to compensatory behaviours, such as overeating, when these foods are available.


Get plenty of sleep, relax, and don’t forget to exercise

The last year has not exactly been restful… Why not offer yourself plenty of restorative sleep? You will then be rested and better prepared to face the new challenges of this new year. Avoid unnecessary stress and find ways to relax, for example through yoga, meditation, or simply by going to the movies! Gradually re-introduce your favourite sports activities. Exercise will bring you balance and a good dose of energy.


Quit smoking

With the start of the new year, it's time to think about your resolutions. If you smoke, why not consider quitting smoking for good? Smoking not only affects your physical health, but your vitality as well. Freeing yourself of your tobacco addiction is by far the best thing you can do to improve your well-being and quality of life. Your pharmacist can help you in the smoking cessation process. Don't wait, speak to them about it as soon as possible.

If you experience health issues after the holidays or if you would simply like to talk about the ways to get healthy again, your pharmacist can help you.



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How to take care of yourself after the holidays

Now that the holiday season is over, your body is constantly reminding you of meals cooked with the family, virtual happy hours with friends or VC family dinners.
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