Eyebrows add character and structure to your look, so they shouldn’t be neglected! If you’ve got some challenges, we’ve got tips to overcome them and to (finally!) get a flawless finish.
My brows are unruly
Do you have eyebrows that go off in all directions and find that a brow-brush isn’t enough to tame them? Stop trimming them with scissors, or worse, waxing them! A simple application of tinted eyebrow gel will keep unruly hairs in place while adding body and definition to your eyebrows. Apply gel in small strokes, emphasizing the sparser areas and then even things out with a beveled brush. Finish by combing them into place and you’re done!

Some gels are pigmented enough to be used alone but you can combine their use with a pencil. Just be sure to use a light hand if you want a natural look!
My brows are thinning
A home waxing that went awry? Overzealous with your tweezers? Whatever the reason, the result is the same: you ended up with eyebrows that were too-thin or uneven and had to wait several weeks for them to grow back (if they ever did!). Fortunately, a good pencil can solve this problem quite easily: after carefully defining your eyebrows (or what’s left of them) with a brush, apply the pencil in small strokes in the direction of the hair growth. To help your eyebrows look evenly filled, start with the outer ends, which are usually sparser, and then make your way inward. The last step: simply recomb them to even out the colour. Then give a few reverse strokes to blend the colour even more.

My eyebrows aren't full enough
If your eyebrows aren’t as thick as Cara Delevingne’s or Brooke Shields’, don’t fret: temporary brow extensions can help! Usually incorporated into a gel formula that’s applied with a brush, these fibers stick to your eyebrows and increase their volume all day long. What’s more, you can apply the amount you want for a natural or more intense look. Just follow your mood… and use makeup remover if you change your mind!

My brows lack personality
You might have it all: full, even, perfectly defined brows—all that’s missing is some shaping to make them memorable. Give them some oomph by defining their arches and contours. Just comb them upward, cheat a little with pencil to accentuate their curves and then hold them in place with a little gel. Adding a hint of illuminator just below the brows will increase contrast. No magic spells required!

To maintain a natural look, be sure to apply the illuminator sparingly and limit it to the arched parts, just below your eyebrows.
My brows are too light
Going for "California" hair, wavy from salt water and faded by the sun? Remember, that look works best with fine, very pale eyebrows. So, you might want to give them a little more presence by darkening them a bit with gel or mascara. One or two layers will give you the look you want for the whole day. Or use a semi-permanent dye, which lasts for several weeks and won’t smudge, even in the shower or during sports. You can even use it to colour your eyelashes: ideal for a unified look!

Warning! To avoid making your eyebrows look too dark, use a colour two or three shades darker than their natural colour, like taupe, ash blond or light brown.